Hope you had a great time on International Sailor Moon Day, Dreamers! This is such a great week for updates! Not only the comparisons for Sailor Moon Crystal’s 11th volume are up, but the booklet and box art for Volume 6 is uploaded here! Plus, we got Young You stuff, that involves the creator Naoko Takeuchi! So, let’s get to the updates!
This week’s uploads
Sailor Moon Crystal Comparisons Uploaded
Volume 11’s comparisons are uploaded at my site, Crystal Comparisons! Check out what’s changed in Act 21 & Act 22!
We hope you enjoyed these uploads, and hope you’ll stay tuned for next week’s update.♥ By the way, we do ask that you all donate, not only to keep the server running, but to maybe give Miss Dream a good year! Also, we have expanded our hire us page to a whole separate entity, Fandom Services, so be sure to check that out as well! See you next time!
Awesome, thank you! Also, when do you think you’ll have the rest of the Crystal booklet scans up?