Hi, Dreamers!
This week’s update is about more translations of the Sera Myu songs, provided by Sasha. Also, we have the RAW videos from Usagi’s Birthday Event 2017. We will be translating those, so you’ll be seeing that very soon.
Sera Myu Updated Lyrics
Updates are provided by Sasha. Ones that are new to the site are labled with (NEW).
Eien Denestsu
- Orleans no Sei Senshi
- Yami no Hitsugi
- Yami no Hitsugi (Eien K) (NEW)
- Itsuwari no Forevermore
- Kick Out a Bloody Mystery
- Galaxia Gorgeous
- I Miss You
- Toki Michite Kourin
- Tenkuu no Utage
- Kakyuu-Ouhi to Three Lights
- Mizusakiannainin no Game (NEW)
- Onna no Ronsou
- Orleans no Sei Senshi ~Uranus to Neptune no Uragiri~
- Oitsumerarete
- Mou ii no
- La Fatalite Sei Senshi
- Tabidachi ‘98 (NEW)
Shin Denestu Kourin
- Shadow on my Sweet Memories
- Yami no Hitsugi (SDK) (NEW)
- Seishun no Shoumi Kigen
- Amazon Trio no Yume Sagashi
- Kokoro Tabanete Makin’ For the Right
- Triple Dreams
- Yami no Koso Utsukushii – Galaxia no Iridachi
- Chibi-Usa no Kokoroki (NEW)
- Tekichi wa Ginga TV Kyoku! (NEW)
- Miracle Twister (NEW)
- Everlasting Moonlight
Usagi’s Birthday Event 2017 videos
Thanks to Sailor Busters, we have the full 2-day event of Usagi’s Birthday, which includes the short one that was streamed on LINE. These downloads are the RAW versions, while we work on subtitling them.
LINE Live Event
Day 1 (with Kotono Mitsuishi, Hotaru Nomoto, Shizuka Ito, & Ami Koshimizu)
Day 2 (with Kotono Mitsuishi and Kunihiko Ikuhara)
We hope you enjoyed these uploads, and hope you’ll stay tuned for next week’s update.♥ By the way, we do ask that you all donate, not only to keep the server running, but to maybe give Miss Dream a good year! Also, we have expanded our hire us page to a whole separate entity, Fandom Services, so be sure to check that out as well! And, a reminder that our Garage Sale has expanded with more doujins. Buy One Get One Free with FREE SHIPPING, by going here to get them before they’re gone! See you next time!
Yeah can’t wait to watch Usagi’s Birthday with subs!!!