This takes place during the first season, focusing on Usagi’s family, then the Inner Senshi, with a bit of Shittenou on the side. Donated by wolf1806.
This takes place during the first season, focusing on Usagi’s family, then the Inner Senshi, with a bit of Shittenou on the side. Donated by wolf1806.
A comedic doujin that focuses on Setsuna and Chibiusa, with appearances of Haruka/Michiru. Donated by wolf1806.
A Sailormoon Book doujin that focuses on the Inner Senshi, with Mamoru. Donated by wolf1806.
A comedic doujin that focuses on the Inner and Outer Senshi, with appearances of Tuxedo Mask, and the Starlights. Donated by wolf1806.
A doujin that focuses on Sailor Pluto, Usagi, and Tuxedo Mask. Then a short story with Haruka/Michiru. Donated by wolf1806.