Monthly Shounen Rival Magazine March 2013 - Page 7

This download is of Monthly Shounen Rival Magazine March 2013 Issue.

This is a boys comic book publication, which normally doesn’t feature anything “girly” like Sailor Moon. However, Osabu Fumio, Naoko Takeuchi’s editor, did mention on his twitter account that this issue would feature works by the author –

So we bought it. However since then, we learned that there is Naoko Takeuchi art in the August 2009 issue and not this one. But since we bought this issue, we figured we may as well share it with all of you!

Enjoy over 700 pages of boys comics – and the one year anniversary issue for the comic series “Momo Project Z”, a manga series based on the JPOP idol group Momoiro Clover Z, who is confirmed to sing the opening theme for the new Sailor Moon anime!

Click on the gallery links below to view the images in low definition, or download the massive archive of the HQ files here:

download: gallery download
download: torrent download

You will need a freeware program like WinRAR or 7zip to unpack the download.

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