Kanji provided by unsubtlelove
Title: イロージョンボーイ(浸食系男子)Translated Title: Erosion Boy
Series: La Reconquista, Sera Myu
地球の奥ふかく メモリーについていた 僕たちを起こしたのは誰?
それは運命の人 君によっぱられて 僕たちは降伏する
そう、僕たちは宝石君を飾る そう、僕たちは宝石君を輝かせる
君は恋のやばいかかる Pandemic Love
Erosion Love
お前が切は知ってるなら俺を選びな ワイピンクのクンザイト
君が悩んで、きるよなら僕を選んで アオムラサキゾイサイト
あなたが悲しんでるのなら私を選んだ ふかい緑のネフライト
君が迷いっているのなら僕を選んでみゆき Greenのジェダイト
君は恋のやばいかかる Pandemic Love
Erosion Love
Erosion Love
Chikyuu no oku fukaku MEMORY ni tsuiteita bokutachi wo okoshita no wa dare?
Sore wa unmei no hito kimi ni yobbararete bokutachi wa koufukusuru
Sou, bokutachi wa houseki wo kazaru sou, bokutachi wa houseki wo kagayakaseru
Kimi wa koi no yabai kakaru Pandemic Love
Kimi wa mo wa ya boku no mono
Erosion Love
Omae ga setsu wa shitteru nara ore wo erabina WHITE PINK no KUNZITE
Omae no hitomi kara shinshokushite yarou
Kimi ga nayande, kiru yo nara boku wo erande, Ao MURASAKI ZOICITE
Kimi no kuchibiru shinshokushite ageyou
Anata ga kanashinderu no nara watashi wo eranda fukai midori no NEPHRITE
Anata no namida kara shinshokushite agemasu
Kimi ga mayoitteiru no nara boku wo erande miyuki Green no JADEITE
Kimi no tameiki kara shinshokushite ageru yo
Kimi wa koi no yabai kakaru Pandemi Love
Kimi wa mo wa boku no mono
Erosion Love
Erosion Love
Buried deep below the earth with my memories, who woke me up?
Its the person I was destined for, you intoxicate me, I’m yours body and soul
Yes, we’ll adorn you with jewels
Yes, we’ll make you shine with them
Your love is infectious, Pandemic Love
You’re already mine
Erosion Love
If you knew how earnest I am you’d pick me, a white-pink Kunzite!
Will you erode me away with your gaze?
If you’re unsure, I’ll clear that up for you, a blue-violet Zoisite
I’ll let you erode me away with your lips
If you’re down, choose me, a deep green Nephrite.
I’ll give myself to you to erode away with your tears
If you don’t know what to do, go ahead and pick me, a green Jadeite
I’ll let you erode me away with your sighs
Your love is infectious, Pandemic Love
You’re already mine
Erosion Love
Erosion Love