What you will need:
– a Nintendo DS
– a slot 1 device, such as R4, Acekard, etc.
– a copy of Comic Book DS (from CBDS)
– a copy of Picto DS (from CBDS – windows version linked here, other versions available at their page)
– Follow the instructions to install Comic Book DS on to your slot 1 device
– drag & drop / copy & paste our .cbds files into your /cbds folder (you can organize by creating folders within this folder)
– load Comic Book DS from your device
– Enjoy!
If you do not see a particular print media translation of ours available on this page to download, don’t fret! You can easily create your own Miss Dream .cbds files using Picto DS. Here’s how!
First, download the images that you want to put on your DS. For this example, I’ll be loading all of our manga releases from the re-print project. Open Picto DS:
Click on the “Add Folder” button, and navigate to the folder you unzipped/unrared of our release. Click on it and select OK. You can select multiple folders as I have below:
Then just hit the “PROCEED” button. Let the program work it’s magic, and when it’s finished you can exit. Then, just navigate to the “cbds” folder within the Picto DS folder, and you’ll find all of the finished files, ready to be dragged and dropped to your slot one device!
Current .cbds Format Downloads
If you’ve created any .cbds files of our releases, please feel free to send them to me and I’ll be more than happy to add them to the site. Thanks, and enjoy!
(Guide by sassypants678)
Act 2 is missing. I got a 404 error when trying to download it.
So are acts 3 – 10.