Codename Sailor V Kodansha Release Vol. 1 Errors

Written by Misty of Myu Corner

The following are errors that I found in the first printing of Volume 1 of Kodansha USA’s English release of the Codename Sailor V manga. They are divided into sections for writing errors (presented in a table), possible issues on multiple pages, honorific issues, inconsistencies/continuity errors, and miscellaneous errors (presented as bulleted lists).

Note: I am proficient in but not fluent in French, so my translations of the Glénat version may not be 100% accurate. Also, I am using the Glénat version for comparison because I initially bought it prior to the Kodansha release thinking that it was the only Western-language official release of it out there (turns out it was also released in Germany, Spain, Italy, and Poland), and also because it gives me a third version to compare lines with, similar to how I compared the Sailor Moon volume to the Mixx version and Miss Dream’s translation.

I have recently had my proficiency in French evaluated via the Test d’Évaluation de Français, an official proficiency exam administered by the Alliance Française on behalf of the French government, and am willing to provide proof of my proficiency level via the results of this test (once I receive them) if anyone doubts my proficiency.

I am not in any way affiliated with Kodansha USA, Del Rey, William Flanagan, or any other person or entity involved in the translation, production, or publication of the volume critiqued here. I also do not mean these critiques as libel in any way, shape, or form, and hope that the persons and entities involved in the translation, production, or publication of the volume critiqued here will not take it as such.


Writing Errors

(Awkward writing, grammar & syntax errors, etc)

Possible Replacement

French Glénat Version

(with my translations)

Miss Dream translation
“You’re in way too good a mood today, huh?”

(Hikaru-chan, p. 9)

“You’re in a really good mood today, huh?”

Or something similar

Qu’est-ce qui te rend si gaie aujourd’hui?

(“What are you so happy about?” lit. “What is that makes you so happy today?” )

“You seem to be in a good mood today.”
“And that’s Hikaru-chan, she’s in the same class as me.”

(Minako voice-over, p. 9)

Make into two sentences:

“And that’s Hikaru-chan. She’s in the same class as me.”

“Elle, c’est Hikaru. On est dans la même classe.”

(“She’s Hikaru. We’re in the same class.”)

“This is Hikaru from my class.”
“Today is an extra special day when I feel I can do anything!”

(Minako VO, p. 9)

“Today is an extra special day. I feel I can do anything today!”

Or something similar

“Aujourd’hui, c’est un jour spécial.”

(“Today, this is a special day.”)

“Yes this is a super spe-ci-al day and I feel like I can do anything.”
“The boy’s basketball team”

(p. 10)

Should be “the boys’ basketball team”

“Le basket masculin”

(“Guys’/Boys’ basketball”, lit. “masculine basketball”)

“The boy’s basketball club”
“The leader is a 2nd-year student who only transferred in recently, but before anybody knew it, he became the idol of the school, Higashi-sempai!”

(p. 10)

An awkward and convoluted sentence.

Possible replacement:

“The leader is a 2nd-year student who only transferred in recently, Higashi-sempai. Before anybody knew it, he became the idol of the school!”

“Lui, c’est Higashi. Des qu’il est arrivé il est devenu notre chouchou. Il est en 5è.”

(“That’s Higashi. As soon as he arrived, he became our darling. He is in cinquième [7th grade]”).

Chouchou is a slang word in French with many meanings; “darling” seemed like the most reasonable one to use here. It can also mean “pet” (as in “teacher’s pet”) or even “scrunchie”!

“He just transferred a short while ago, but he’s already an idol. Higashi, a second year student.”

(p. 13)

Doesn’t need to be capitalized. Capitalized in this version, but only because the font used for the lettering is an all-caps font. Same as the Glénat version.
“Middle-2 Course” and “Middle-3 Course”

(p. 13)

“2nd year” and “3rd year”

(the “year” thing is ambiguous; see note below under “Miscellaneous”)

“Les 5e et Les 4e”

(“The cinquièmes [7th graders] and the quatrièmes [8th graders]”)

“your seniors from 2nd and 3rd year’s A class”
“To be taught by sempai, I must be the luckiest lucky girl in the world!”

(p. 13)

“To be taught by sempai, I must be the luckiest girl in the world!”

“Être aidée par Higashi, quelle chanceuse je suis! C’est genial!”

(“To be helped by Higashi, how lucky I am! It’s great!”)

“Higashi is teaching me! How…how…how lucky I am!!”

(p. 15)

Should be “tough girl”

“Si elle continue comme ça”

(“if she continues/stays like that”)

“coarse girl”
“Why don’t you act like a girl a little for a change?”

(p. 18)

“Why don’t you act like a girl for a change?”

“Quand vas-tu comporter en jeune-fille?”

(“When are you going to behave like a girl?”)

“Be a little more lady-like for a change!”
“I can see you have good abilities to adapt.”

(p. 20)

“I can see you can adapt easily.”

Or something similar

“…et tu ne te laisses pas facilement impressionner.”

(“…and you aren’t easily impressed”)

“I’ve seen that you have fairly good adaptability too.”
“Mina, you have abilities over and above the common person to change yourself into a woman of strength and beauty.”

(p. 21)

“Mina, you have great potential, more than anyone else, to become a strong and beautiful woman.”

“Minako, tu as plus que quiconque la possibilité de te transformer en une magnifique jeune femme.”

(“Minako, you have more than anyone the possibility/opportunity to turn into a magnificent young woman”).

“Mina, you are the strongest, most beautiful girl capable of transformation.”
“We must create this foothold”

(Fluorite, p. 26)

“We must create a foothold”

“Ils vont nous server pour controller la ville”

(“They are going to serve us in order to control the town”)

The “they” refer to Narcissus’s “slaves.”

“We shall create a firm foothold for us!”
“You can leave that to your loyal Narcissus!”

(p. 26)

“Leave it to your loyal Narcissus!”

“Faites-moi confiance.”

(“Trust me”)

“Just leave it to your faithful Narcissus.”
“From here on, you are to call me ‘Boss.’”

(p. 31)

“From here on out, you are to call me ‘Boss.’”


“From now on, you are to call me ‘Boss.’”


“From now on, call me ‘Boss.’”

“On m’appelle le Boss.”

(“People call me the Boss”).

“You can call me Boss.”

“Moon Power: Transform!!”

(p. 33 & others)

Noticed by Brad/Moonkitty

No colon needed

“Pouvoir de la Lune! Transforme-moi!”

(“Power of the Moon! Transform me!”)

“Moon Power Transform!!”
“I’m struck with the urge to act!”

(p. 33)

There’s nothing technically wrong with this sentence; it just sounds weird coming from Minako. Not sure what to suggest to replace it.

“La colère s’empare de moi!!”

(“Anger/wrath is taking hold of me!!”)

“I’m getting so wet!”

[I am NOT making that up. That’s what it says. Minako is kinda perverted, I guess. ^_^]

“And pleasant dreams”

(p. 39)

Probably should be “sweet dreams” since that’s what we usually say in English

“Fais de beaux rêves.”

(“Sweet dreams”)

“Sweet dreams.”
“I’ve never been interested in the idols before, you know!”

(Hikaru, p. 41)

“I’ve never been interested in idols before, you know!”

“Il est pas mignon, franchement?”

(“Isn’t he really cute?”)

“I never had much interest in idols, but look at him!”
“I’m a male cat who is smart, clever, and can speak to humans.” (Artemis, p. 44) To say “smart” and “clever” is redundant; they mean the same thing.

“Je suis un chat male, classe et intelligent.”

(“I am a male cat, classy and intelligent.”)

[I’m guessing on the “classy” part as I couldn’t find a definition for “classe” as an adjective.]

“I’m a super smart, cool, talking cat.”
“And she says she hates studies”

(Artemis, p. 45)

“And she says she hates studying”

“Et pour couronner le tout, elle déteste étudier”

(“And to crown it all, she hates to study”)

“On top of that, she hates to study!”
“Mina, you’re a bit like a boy, huh?” (p. 46) “Mina, you’re kinda a tomboy, aren’t you?”

“Minako…tu es pire qu’une garçon!”

(“Minako…you’re worse than a boy!”)

“Mina, you act like a guy.”
“You’re a game fan, and you come to the game center all by yourself.”

(p. 46)

“You’re a game fan and you come to the game center all by yourself.”

“Tu adores les jeux vidéo, mais as-tu vu que tu es la seule fille ici?”

(“You love video games, but have you seen that you are the only girl here?”)

“You love games, and you’re the only girl in this game center.”
“…who’s big brother was the Sun God, Apollo.”

(p. 46)

“whose big brother was the Sun God, Apollo.”

“Elle avait pour frère Apollon, le dieu du soleil.”

(“She had for [her] brother Apollo, the god of the sun”).

“Sister of Apollo”
“For cripes sake!” (p. 49)

(also on p. 91 from Wakagi)

(also on p. 167 with Minako)

“For Pete’s sake!” or “For goodness sake!” “Grr!”

Wakagi: “Et zut!”

(“And drat!”)

p. 167 – “Et zut!”

(“And drat!”)

“D*** it all!”

“D-d***it!” (Wakagi)

“C***” (p. 167)

“From ancient times”

(p. 49)

“Since ancient times”

“De tout temps”

(“For all time”)

“This game center has always been a time honored place”
“Plus an increasing number of games that can only be described as ‘lame’” (p. 50)
“Plus, there are an increasing number of games that can only be described as ‘lame.’”

“Les jeux gnan-gnan ont débarqué”

(“The silly games descended”)

“Gnan-gnan” is a slang word; it can also mean “namby-pamby” or “hokey.”

“and with them came all the rosy colored games!”
“Oh, I see you aren’t very good, are you, Mina?”

(p. 52)

“Oh, I see. You aren’t very good, are you, Mina?”

“Alors, Minako, t’abandonnes?!”

(“Well, Minako, do you give up?!”)

“Huh, I thought this would be no sweat for you, Mina.”
“I shall reveal your true identity as a man!”

(p. 55)

Um, this just sounds weird. But then it’s Taku. Not sure what to suggest.

“Tu es un homme!”

(“You are a man!”)

“You’re really a man, aren’t you?!”
“But there’s no choice, Mina!”

(p. 55)

“But you have no choice, Mina!”

“…Mais tant pis!”

(“…But too bad!”)

“There’s no choice, Mina!”
“Crescent Power: Transform!!”

(p. 55 & others)

Same problem with “Moon Power: Transform” before – lose the colon!

“Pouvoir du croissant de lune! Transforme-moi!”

(“Power of the crescent moon! Transform me!”)

“Crescent Moon Power, Transform!”
“A girl who hates to lose, likes standing out in a crowd and fast on her feet.”

(p. 58)

“A girl who hates to lose, likes to stand out in a crowd, and is fast on her feet.”

“Elle est combative, aime se faire remarquer et s’enfuit rapidement…”

(“She is assertive, likes to draw attention to herself, and runs away quickly…”)

“She didn’t lose and showed herself off before running away.”
“I’ll bet it was a part of the PR to promote the Sailor V game, maybe?”

(p. 58)

“Maybe it was part of the PR to promote the Sailor V game?”

“Ça ne serait pas plutôt une operation de promo pour le jeu?”

(“That wouldn’t be rather a promotional operation for the game?”)

“Maybe a publicity stunt for the new game?”
“If you’re found out, you’ll cause a news feeding frenzy!”

(p. 61)

The term “feeding frenzy” is slang for “a ruthless attack on or exploitation of someone especially by the media.” []

I’m not sure that’s what Minako means here, though I suppose the press might attack/exploit Artemis if they found out he could talk. It just sounds weird from her. Not sure what to suggest.

“Et puis, sois plus discret quand tu parles…il ne faut pas que ça se sache!”

(“And also, be more discreet when you talk. It’s not necessary that that be known.”)

[no equivalent]
“I’m in first year of middle school.” (p. 62) Missing word: “I’m in my first year of middle school.”

Or something similar

“Je suis en 6è”

("I’m in sixième [sixth grade]").

“I’m in 7th grade.”
“You’re going to watch Channel 44 that’s just starting tonight, right?”

(p. 66)

Probably should be “You’re going to watch that Channel 44 that’s just starting tonight, right?”

Or something similar

“Le Canal 44 commence à emettre ce soir. Tu vas regarder?”

(“Channel 44 begins broadcasting tonight. Are you going to watch?”)

“Did you hear about what’s on Channel 44 tonight?”
“I’ve never seen an idol so cute as her!”

(p. 66)

“I’ve never seen an idol as cute as her!”

“Je n’ai jamais vu de chanteuse aussi mignonne!”

(“I’ve never seen a singer as cute [as her]!”)

“Is she an idol? She’s so pretty!”
“She’s got fans all throughout Japan so quickly!”

(p. 66)

“She’s got fans all throughout Japan already!”

Or something similar

“Oui, elle sera vite célèbre.”

(“Yes, she will be quickly famous.”)

[For some reason Glénat uses the future tense here. Don’t know why.]

“She’s famous all over Japan now!”
“Mommy, turn off the TV, please?”

(p. 73)

Should be an exclamation point at the end:

“Mommy, turn off the TV, please!” or “Mommy, please turn off the TV!”

“Maman! Éteins la télé, s’il te plait!”

(“Mom! Turn off the TV, please!”)

“…Mama, please turn off the TV…”
“Mina! We’re in an emergency!” (p. 75) “Mina! It’s an emergency!”

Or something similar

“Minako, c’est un état d’urgence!”

(“Minako, it’s a state of emergency!”)

“Mina! This is an emergency!”
“You are all! You are all my slaves!” (p. 79)

The first sentence with the second one is kinda redundant.

Possible replacement: “You all… are all my slaves!”

or something similar

“Soyez tous mes esclaves!”

(“You will all be my slaves!” lit.Be all my slaves!”)

“Everyone, everyone! Just follow me.”

“They’re always putting on airs.”

(p. 99)

Noticed by Brad/Moonkitty

Brad/Moonkitty seems to think this sounds weird coming out of Minako’s mouth, so I’m putting it here, though I’m not sure what’s so wrong with it.

“J’ai peut-être pas été très cool avec les flics…”

(“Maybe I haven’t been very cool with the cops…”)

[“Flic” is slang for “cop” or “policeman.”]

“The police just suck.”
“Everybody, you came out to see me today!”

(p. 103)

“Wow everyone! You came out to see me today?”

Or something similar

“Merci beaucoup d’être venus aujourd’hui!”

(“Thank you so much for coming today!”)

“Hello, everybody, I’d just like to say, thanks for coming today!”
“Of course there is!”

(p. 104)

Should be “Of course there are”

“Mais si, il y en a!”

(“But yes, there are some of them!”)

[“Si” is used in French for the word “yes” when contradicting a negative statement (the normal word would be “oui”). Example: “Johnny ne viens pas au concert ce soir?” “Si, il viens.” (“Johnny isn’t coming to the concert tonight?” “Yes, he’s coming”).]

“You said it!”

[The dialogue in this scene in their translation is a little bit different.]

“I could see making a career in being a slave!”

(p. 117)

“I could see myself making a career in being a slave!”

“Finalement esclavé, c’est une vie comme une autre…”

(“Finally enslaved, it’s a life like another…”)

“How adorable! Being her slave is the only way to live!”
“Yeah, it’s kind of makes you feel good.”

(p. 124)

“Yeah, it kind of makes you feel good.”

“Quoi que ce soit c’est très agréable!”

(“Whatever it is it’s very pleasant!”)

“It feels really nice.”
“Your true duty only starts now.”

(p. 125)

“Your true duty’s just begun.”

Or something similar

“Parce que les vraies difficulties commencement maintenant…”

(“Because the real difficulties start now…”)

“You haven’t begun your true mission, Mina.”
“And we hope you come see us again.”

(p. 131)

“And we hope you’ll come see us again.”

“On reviendra!”

(“We/One will come again!”)

“You guys have got to come back sometime!”
“You are too much!”

(p. 135)

Awkward in the sense that “putting on airs” sounds awkward. Possible replacement: “You’re quite a handful, you know that?”

Or something similar

No equivalent “Seriously?!”
“I’m a closet fan of theirs”

(p. 138)

Based on the dialogue that follows, Amano doesn’t seem like a “closet fan” of Twin Dark. I mean, he’s bought the doujinshi, is part of a fan message board for them, and illegally listens to their concerts through Concert Watch.

“Je suis dingue d’elles!”

(“I’m crazy about them!”)

He also says on the same page, “Je me tape un complexe de Lolita!” (“I’m stuck/hit with a Lolita complex!”). Amano is one weird otaku.

“I’m a huge fan of theirs!”
“Shizukahime Dark”

(p. 139)

Similar to “Sendaizakue” in the Sailor Moon manga, where they could’ve easily translated the honorific, in this case as “Princess Suzuka Dark” or “Dark Princess Suzuka” or something like that

“Dark Princess”

[For some reason, they put it in English, rather than in French – which would be “Noir Princesse” or “Princesse Maléfique” or something like that]

“Dark Princess Suzuka”
“It’s only a matter of a very short time”

(p. 141)

“It’s only a matter of time” “Bientôt”


“Only a little bit longer”
“I know it well. This time, we’re using clones I had made, sent into the world to do the brainwashing.”

(p. 142)

“I understand. This time we’re using clones I made to do the brainwashing.”

“Cette fois nous avons envoyé plusieurs clones de moi-même pour effectuer les lavages de cerveaux!”

(“This time we have sent several clones of myself in order to carry out the brainwashing!”)

“I understand. This time I have made clone copies of myself and sent them into the world as idols. There is no need to brainwash them.”
“They are sucking great amounts of energy out of the humans, and this will bring their destruction!”

(p. 143)

Pronoun/antecedent confusion; the “they” refers to the Dark Agency’s idols, while the “their” refers to the humans the idols are draining energy from.

Possible replacement:
“They are sucking great amounts of energy out of the humans, which will soon destroy the world”

or something similar

“Nous absorberons le plus d’énergie humaine possible et nous détruirons cette humanité!”

(“We will absorb the most human energy possible and we will destroy this humankind!”)

“I will collect vast amounts of energy, and set about exterminating the human race!”

“For pity’s sake!”

(p. 144)

(also on p. 245)

Not sure what to suggest here, other than that Artemis is not quite old-fashioned enough to say “For pity’s sake!”



“Pff…” (245)


“Jeaz” (245)

“Now she dropped this and didn’t notice!”

(p. 145)

“She dropped this and didn’t even notice!”

“Qu’est-ce qu’elle a? Elle va même pas vu tomber ça!”

(“What does she have? She’s going even not seeing [that] this fell!”)

“She dropped this without noticing.”
“Don’t listen!”

(p. 146)

“Don’t listen to it!”

(needs a direct object – just mentioning the CD in the previous sentence isn’t going to work)



“You mustn’t listen!”
“The Dark Agency has some very evil plans that they’re setting afoot.”

(p. 151)

“Setting afoot?” Methinks you do not know what that means, Boss. “Afoot” means “astir; in progress” [] and is usually used in sentences like “Something’s afoot” or Sherlock Holmes’s famous saying “The game is afoot.”

Possible replacement: “The Dark Agency has some very evil plans up their sleeves” or something like that

“L’organisation qui se fait appeler La Dark Agency prépare un redoubtable complot!”

(“The organization who calls itself the Dark Agency is preparing a dreadful plot!”)

“They are the Dark Agency, a fearsome agency with an evil agenda.”
“They’re trying to suck energy from the people”

(p. 151)

“They’re trying to suck energy from people”

“Ils vampirisent l’énergie des gens!”

(“They’re sucking the life blood/cannibalizing the energy of people!”)

[For some reason, I like the vampire imagery here.]

“after sucking up all their energy”
“Oh, just listen”

(p. 170)

“Oh, guess what”



[A slang version of “Bien”]

No equivalent
“Electro-magnetic brainwashing waves, the sudden disappearance of people, both male and female!”

(p. 171)

Not technically a full sentence grammatically speaking. Not sure what to suggest.

“Les lavages de cerveaux, et coup sur coup des disparitions étranges d’étudiants…”

(“Brainwashings, and back-to-back strange disappearances of students…”)

“Brainwashing programs, missing school boys and school girls”
“a dark sort-of image”

(p. 177)

“a dark sort of image”

“une mauvaise image”

(“a bad image”)

No equivalent
“Young Master Gurikazu!” (p. 188) “Young Master” probably a translation of some honorific, though I’m not sure which one (-sama maybe?). It works though cause Minako is disguised as a maid.

“Monsieur Amano!”

(“Mr. Amano!”)

“Master Gurikazu!”
“first year middle school student”

(p. 198)

“a student in my first year of middle school”

“et je suis en 6ème”

(“And I am in sixième [6th grade]”)

“and in 7th grade”
“during the height of the Summer Vacation season”

(p. 203)

“during the height of summer vacation” or “during the height of the summer vacation season.”

“dans leurs vacances à l’étranger…”

(“in their vacations abroad”)

“throughout the summer months”

“I just love the working in the Hawaii branch office of the Dark Agency.”

(p. 211)

“I just love working in the Hawaii branch office of the Dark Agency” or “I just love working for the Hawaii branch office of the Dark Agency” or “I just love working for the Dark Agency’s Hawaii branch.”

Or something similar

“La filial d’Hawaï de la Dark Agency a toujours eu moins de mal a récolter de l’énergie que celles du Japon.”

(“The Dark Agency Hawaii subsidiary has always had less trouble collecting energy than those in Japan.”)

“The Dark Agency’s new Hawaiian branch will gather even more energy than our main office in Japan.”

“I failed in my duty as a stewardess!”

(p. 213)

They’re called “flight attendants” now, not “stewardesses”

“Je suis trop bête!”

(“I am too stupid!”)

“I’m such a bad flight attendant!”
“Why am I in this foreign country filled with nothing but buildings made out of rocks and speaking a language I don’t understand?!”

(p. 215)

“Why am I in this foreign country filled with nothing but buildings made out of rocks?! And where I can’t even understand the language?!”

“Et je me retrouve dans un pays dont je ne connais rien! Et d’abord, c’est quoi ces vielles ruines?!”

(“And I find myself in a country that I don’t know anything [about]! And foremost, what are these old ruins?!”)

“because I’m stuck in this stone building in a country whose language I can’t speak and I can’t make myself understood.”
“the fault of Sailor V”

(p. 216)

“Sailor V’s fault”

“la faute de Sailor V!!”

(“the fault of Sailor V!!”)

“This is all Sailor V’s fault!!”

“Someone wants me harmed!”

(p. 216)

This is kind of a passive voice construction, which should generally be avoided in writing.

Possible replacement:

“Someone wants to harm me!”

“Je sens un danger?!”

(“I sense a danger?!”)

“I’ll get her!”

[Hmm, they give the dialogue to the other guy, not to Minako.]

“I feel there is an overwhelming urge to kill Sailor V somewhere!”

(p. 218)

“I sense someone in this area with an overwhelming urge to kill Sailor V.”

[Hibiscusy is already in Greece anyway.]

“Je sens les envies de meurtre de quelqu’un contre Sailor V!”

(“I sense the desires of murder of someone against Sailor V!”)

“I can sense it, there’s a fierce hatred for Sailor V among us!”
“You know, if they’re not strapping youthful men, they’re worthless!”

(p. 222)

“You know, if they’re not strapping young men, they’re worthless!”

“J’aurais dû m’en douter! Que peut faire un mec face à une jolie fille!”

(“I should’ve guessed! What can a guy do at the hands of a pretty girl!”)

“I should’ve known! He wasn’t young enough anyway!”
“Can I get one shot of you with the Parthenon in the background behind you?”

(p. 226)

“Can I get one shot of you with the Parthenon in the background?”

“Sailor V, vous voulez bien qu’on vous prenne en photo avec le Parthénon et le crépuscule en arrière-plan?”

(“Sailor V, are you ok if we take a photo of you with the Parthenon and the twilight in [the] background?”)

“We’ve got to take your picture tonight as the sun sets behind the Pantheon!”

[Oops, tiny error there on their part. It’s the Parthenon.]

“I know the spot! Where the trees lining the street look so beautiful!”

(p. 234)

“I know that place! The trees lining the street look so beautiful!”

“Oui! Je le connais! Il est sur la promenade de ginkgos. Cette avenue est magnifique…”

(“Yes! I know it! It’s on the walkway of ginkgo [trees]. That avenue is magnificent…”)

“I know what you’re talking about! That road lined with the gingko trees is so pretty!”
“One moment!”

(p. 236)

Seems a little too formal, even for Saito-kun.

“Ça suffit!”

(“That’s enough!”)

“Don’t go putting on airs in another guy’s area!”

(p. 238)

Brad/Moonkitty noted this. I think in context it might actually be ok. Not sure what to suggest.

“Tu viens d’ailleurs? Qu’est-ce que tu fous sur notre territoire?!”

(“You come from around here? What are you doing in our territory?!”)

“How dare you barge in here like this!”
“When you miss your chance, it just makes knots in your stomach.”

(p. 254)

“When you miss your chance, it’s like there’s knots in your stomach.”

“Si on n’en a pas le courage, ça ronge le coeur…”

(“If one doesn’t have the courage, it eats away at the heart…”)

“If you miss the chance, you’ll regret it later.”

“…Wait a minute…Wasn’t your first love…Higashi-sempai, if I remember?”

(p. 272)

“…Wait a minute…Wasn’t Higashi-sempai your first love?”

“Dis, donc, ton premier amour…c’était pas plutôt un certain Higashi?”

(“Say, your first love…wasn’t it rather a certain Higashi?”)

“Hey Minako, wasn’t your first love some guy in here, named Higashi?”

Possible Issues on Several Pages

  • Minako introduces herself throughout the volume as “Minako,” but in the actual dialogue everyone calls her “Mina,” except for her teachers (her gym teacher calls her “Minako” and her night school teacher calls her “Aino”) and Motoki (who calls her “Mina-chan”).
  • Throughout chapter 8, the anklets Okamoto-sensei is making and that Saito-kun wears are called “promise rings” in the Kodansha version, though they’re clearly anklets or bracelets (probably similar to the misanga that Usagi and friends made in episode 77 of the anime and which Usagi and Mamoru were wearing in the second musical). Miss Dream’s version also calls them “promise rings.” The Glénat version calls them “les bracelets de promesse” (“promise bracelets”). Yet, on page 253, Saito-kun does refer to his anklet as a “promise bracelet.”

Honorific Issues (Oddly Used, Not Needed)

  • All throughout Vol./Chapter 1, the sempai term used for Higashi is never defined. The inclusion of an honorifics guide in this volume (like Del Rey’s) would’ve helped explain this.
  • p. 46: There’s that “Bro” thing again with Motoki like in the Sailor Moon manga. Also appears on p. 176 as “my bro.” Minako then calls him “Big Brother Furuhata,” which is more correct (“big brother” being a more accurate translation of onii-san).
  • p. 235 – “My prince-sama.” No “-sama” needed. (Also on 237)
  • p. 265 – “the Dark Punisher, Sailor V-sama” – The “-sama” isn’t needed, and you definitely don’t use honorifics when talking about yourself, as V is here.
  • p. 266 – “V-chan” – again, you don’t use honorifics when it’s yourself you’re talking about. Maybe Minako’s just being dramatic.

Inconsistencies/Continuity Errors

  • p. 44 – “An incarnation of the Goddess of Love and Desirability, Venus.”
  • On page 18, Artemis referred to the goddess Venus as the “Goddess of Beauty.” And in mythology, Aphrodite/Venus is the goddess of love and beauty. Though “desirability” does make some sense, because Aphrodite/Venus had a girdle that, when worn, could make anyone fall in love with her. Even Zeus was not exempt to its power, as shown when Hera used it on him in The Iliad. Still, it’s an inconsistency.

  • p. 61 – “What’s wrong with taking just one poster?”
  • Says Minako – but if you look closely it’s pretty clear she has two posters in her hands. The Glénat version gives this as “Allez! Ce ne sont que des affiches!” (“Come on! They’re only posters!”); the plural verb form in the text being a clear indication that Minako is holding more than one poster (in case somebody didn’t notice this in the artwork). Miss Dream’s translation: “Anyway Artemis, don’t worry! It’s just a poster I’m after,” which I guess is fine since she probably meant to take just one poster but ended up taking two.

  • p. 227 – “Why is my present a Grecian rug?”
  • Hikaru asks this, but in the art the rug has Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs on it. Though maybe Minako got it at a tourist shop in Greece or something…


  • p. 9 – “first year of middle school”: In Japan, this would be 7th grade, which would be consistent with the idea that Codename Sailor V begins roughly a year before Sailor Moon does (at which point Minako would be in 8th grade, like the rest of the Inner Senshi). However, some American readers (and possibly other English-speaking readers) might read this as meaning Minako is in 6th grade, as that is the first year of most American middle schools. There is a translation note in the volume explaining the “class structure” of Japanese schools, but no indication is given as to what grade “first year” is meant to be here. The French Glénat version also read this as 6th grade, as they have Minako say she is in “sixième” (abbreviated “6ème”), which is the French equivalent of sixth grade (and yet, they made an error on the front flap of volume 1, calling Minako a lycéenne, or high school student, instead of a collègienne, or junior high/middle school student; this is corrected on the front flap of volume 2, where she is correctly called a collègienne).
  • p. 12 sign “For First Year-Students Class B”: This is a sign for Minako’s juku (“night school” in this translation) classroom. As I said in the previous note, the “first year” thing is pretty ambiguous. The Glénat version kept with their sixième translation and wrote “6ème Classe B” (Sixth Grade Class B) on the sign, which makes somewhat more sense.
  • p. 12: The text for “27 percent” (when the teacher is telling Minako her math grade) is in a slightly different text than the rest of the text in that bubble, though this may just be for emphasis purposes. Also, there is a difference here between this version and the Glénat version; in the Glénat version her score is shown to be “4/20” (meaning she got four questions right out of 20, or 20%), whereas in the Kodansha version it says “27,” like the teacher says. This may be an art change by Naoko-san (as the Glénat version is based off the original Sailor V run) or by the people at Kodansha to make it match with the dialogue.
  • Not exactly an error:  p. 12 – Artemis’s monologue: The first two panels of the monologue that appear on p. 12 in the Kodansha release are attributed to Minako in the Glénat release, not Artemis. (“Je suis très sportive. J’ai une santé de fer et un appétit d’ogre. Et je dors aussi beaucoup” – I’m very athletic. I have a health of iron and an ogre’s appetite. And I also sleep a lot) while the comment about her intelligence is given to her night-school teacher (“Et de l’intelligence, tu en as?”And intelligence, you have some (of that)?). Only the last phrase of these initial panels in the Glénat version (“Ça m’a l’air plutôt…mal parti.” – That’s not looking rather good to me) is given to Artemis. However, I’m ok with Kodansha giving that whole part to Artemis, as it makes more sense in context.
  • p. 23 – Artemis calls the planet Venus “the Goddess Venus.” That’s a BIG error (especially as the art shows a PLANET). Plus the line after it says “Your mother planet” (emphasis mine). Also, in the same word bubble – “broiling heat”? That sounds a little odd to me.
  • p. 24 – Thought this was an error, but it isn’t:   Boss calls Venus the world of “incandescent heat.” At first, I thought this might be an error, but then I looked up “incandescent” and it means (among other things) “glowing or white with heat.” And since the planet Venus is very hot (its mean surface temperature is 860 degrees Fahrenheit!) and is also very bright (it’s second in brightness to the moon among night sky objects, and generally is brightest at dusk and just before dawn, hence its nicknames the “Evening Star” and the “Morning Star”), Boss’s statement actually makes sense. [Thanks to Venus on Wikipedia for the info here].
  • p. 27 – In the second panel on the top row, Boss’s response and Higashi/Narcissus’s laugh are switched, so that Boss’s response of “Yes…” to Artemis is put in Higashi’s mouth and Higashi’s laugh is put in Boss’s mouth. Oops.
  • p. 28 Higashi and Haneda – Higashi says “I love you too,” but Haneda hasn’t actually said “I love you” yet. So either this is an error or Higashi has ESP.
  • p. 47 – Not exactly an error:   When Minako points out the Artemis game, there is extra text added to the title in the Kodansha version, making the title “Artemis falls under Dupon’s magic spell,” whereas in the Glénat version the game is simply shown to be called “Artémis.” However, Miss Dream’s translation (based, like Kodansha’s, on the shinsōban versions, unlike Glénat’s, which is based on the old print run) shows that in fact the extra text is supposed to be there.
  • p. 64 – Not really an error as much as a confusing point:   People might find it strange that it’s not explained on this page why Minako uses her transformation pen to do her homework. Other pages (like page 98) just seem to say that she uses it because the pen is magic and its magic can help with any homework problem. A little special art page at the end of the Kodansha version, however, gives the reason: her transformation pen “writes only what is true.” Thus, if she uses it for her homework, she’ll always get the right answer if she uses that pen. Lucky her!
    • Apparently the art isn’t new; it also appeared in the original run of Codename Sailor V,
      because it appears in vol. 1 page 132 of the Glénat edition.
  • p. 112 – “If you keep it up, I’ll tell V on you” – Hmm, kinda giving yourself away there, eh, Minako? This error was noted by Brad/Moonkitty. Variations of this line appear in the French version and Miss Dream’s version too though, so either all three are wrong or that’s how the line is meant to be. The Glénat version says, “Si tu dis des conneries on cafetera à Sailor V!” (“If you say [such] c***/b.s., people will tell tales to Sailor V!”). [I am not making that translation up – “conneries” really does mean “c***” or “bulls***”]. Miss Dream’s version says, “If you keep doing naughty things, one day V will come and punish you!”
  • p. 153 – Not technically an error:   “Ten-thousand yen?! I can’t believe it! I couldn’t afford that if I saved my allowance till I died!” – Considering that ¥10,000 is noted in a footnote as being about $100, one wonders here just how small Minako’s allowance is. We know from a few pages earlier that she wasn’t able to buy the new Dark Guys CD since she was broke, so I’m guessing it’s not very much. Either that or she just doesn’t save her allowance very well. The Glénat version lists “500 balles” as the price. Balle is a slang term for “franc” (which was still the currency of France when this volume was published in 1998; the franc became obsolete on January 1, 1999, and was replaced with the euro). According to this converter, 500 francs is $104.63 US, which is pretty close to the original total.
  • p. 174 – Possibly confusing for Americans:   “I’m surprised to see a game company making enormous profits during such an economic downturn.” – Given that this was published here recently, when the U.S. is in a BIG economic downturn, this may sound like an American addition, but it isn’t. Japan had a bubble economy (baburu keiki) from 1986 to 1991, due to the government encouraging citizens to save money through the use of strict economic policies post-World War II, but the bubble then burst and the economy went way down, reaching its really low point about 2003, when the renewal manga came out [Japan Asset Bubble, Investopedia]. So it’s most likely the reference is to the bad Japanese economy at the time of both the original print run of Sailor V and the “renewal version” release. (The Japanese refer to this as the Ushinawareta Jūnen [“Lost Decade”], or sometimes as the Ushinawareta Nijūnen [“Lost Decades” or “Lost 20 Years”] if the period between 2001 and 2010 is also included, which it is sometimes). [Source]
  • p. 223 – “I’m not pleased to be on this huge continent” (Hibiscusy) /” ‘Not pleased’ to be on a continent?!” (Minako) – How do I say this…GREECE IS A COUNTRY, NOT A CONTINENT. Actually, Brad/Moonkitty was the one who originally caught this error. The worst thing about it is that not only does Hibiscusy, whose ignorance might be forgivable, get it wrong, but our heroine Minako gets it wrong too (though she is just repeating Hibiscusy’s words). And anyway, Greece isn’t even considered a subcontinent the way India is. It’s just a country.
    • Miss Dream version of this: “How dare you bring me out to this horrible place to find you when the people here only carry one tenth of the energy of the tourists in Hawaii! You’ve made me very angry!” (Hibiscusy) & “Coming to a place like this makes you mad, you say?!” (Minako)
    • Glénat version: “Je suis verte! Tu m’as fait venir ici, mais il y a moins d’énergie qu’a Hawaï!” (Hibiscusy: “I’m furious! You made me come here, but there’s less energy [here] than Hawaii has!”); “Je t’ai fait venir ici?” (Minako: “I made you come here?”)

Credits: The examples given from Miss Dream’s translation belong, naturally, to Miss Dream. French Glénat version (Sailor V) © 1998-1999 Glénat, Anne Malevay. Kodansha English manga (Codename Sailor V) © 2011 Kodansha USA, Kodansha Comics and William Flanagan. Codename wa Sailor V (Japanese) © 1992-1997, 2003-2004 Naoko Takeuchi.

9 Responses to “Codename Sailor V Kodansha Release Vol. 1 Errors”

  1. annon

    some of your writing errors you pointed out, was just you wanting to write the same thing but more simple, perhaps its a reflection of the way Minako talks, it may not be what you perceive to be correct but its dialog showing the way she speaks

    and “continent” could be use as a reference to being “in Europe” as Europe is a continent.

    • sassypants678

      Actually, in the Japanese the word used is “country”, not continent. It’s a translation error.

      As for the dialogue overall, Kodansha made it way more formal than it appears in the original Japanese :)

    • Misty

      I understand your view. Yes, a lot of times I am simply rewriting what was already there in a simpler way. I just think that the translator’s word choice is awkward at times. In those cases I try to rewrite something in a way that would be easier for the reader to understand. And if it’s a grammar or punctuation error, I rewrite it for that reason. I hope that makes sense.

      • annon

        I propose that you email a list of your findings of translation, spelling and grammar errors to Kodansha (ignoring the simplifications) who would I hope include them in future reprints and who knows they might even send you a free copy of one for your efforts.

        Being nice will get you everywhere.

        • sassypants678

          These have been emailed to Daniella, politely, and she has never replied. She is also aware of the correction lists available at and Sailor Hell’s blog – again, no response to either of those webmasters, either.

          • annon

            I’m sure she’s working on making the changes for future prints, just because they don’t tell you everything doesn’t mean it won’t happen, just be patient x

          • sassypants678

            The bottom line is that for months Kodansha has been contacted – by hundreds of fans – about the problems that exist in the manga, both about translation errors and spelling mistakes, and they have taken NO action and given no one an official response.

            I understand that many people are excited for the new release, but the fact that literally every single book Kodansha has released for Codename: Sailor V *and* Sailor Moon thus far has had to be pulled from shelf due to MASSIVE printing errors…speaks volumes. That fact alone speaks to the quality of their release more than anything I could write here.

  2. Rae

    Thanks for doing these comparisons! I just had a couple of thoughts.

    The” tough-girl” on pg. 15 might be explained by “tough” being used there as an adverb (meaning acting in an aggressive way that is intended to be perceived as strength and fearlessness vs. just possessing physical strength or endurance). If an adverb looks like an adjective hyphens can be used to clarify proper meaning. Though I still cannot fathom the style being used to account for the all the hyphens in the books. Unfortunately, the differing presentations of Minako’s bio introduction every chapter proves the hyphen problem.

    Pg. 49 “For cripes sake!” (Also appearing on pg. 91 and pg. 167) “Cripes” is very dated slang that is used to express surprise or concern. I have never heard it used as a replacement for a phrase like “For Christ’s sake!” Though it is a nicer version of “Christ!” Seeing that it is being used in this sense though, it should be “cripes’” with the apostrophe to show possession.
    Not to pick on you either, because it is probably a colloquial thing but, I’ve always interpreted “zut” to be a stronger interjection than “drat”, more akin to the Miss Dream example. So I just found your translation of interest.

    Thanks for taking all the time to do this again.

    • Misty

      Glad you like the guides!

      I’ve never seen “tough” used as an adverb, but I think I see your point.

      You’re right, “cripes” should have an apostrophe. I don’t know much about the term other than that it is British slang and people seem to use it as a mild swear similar to “bloody”/”bloody hell.” Interestingly, the subbed version of Inuyasha I’ve been watching on Netflix uses “cripes” quite a bit too. I think this may be because the dubbing of the series (and thus probably the official subbed version too) was done in Canada.

      “Zut” in French is kind of like “shimatta” in Japanese – it can mean many things depending on the context, from as mild as “drat” to as strong as “d***.” It’s one of the milder gros mots (bad words) in French; words like merde and connard are much more offensive. I went for “drat” in my translation because I personally try to avoid swearing at all costs (you may have noticed I censor any swear words in my guides), and “drat” was the mildest translation of “zut” that I could find.

      Anyway, thanks again for reading these!


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