Here you can enjoy full English translations for Sailor Moon lyrics from the anime, Sera Myu musicals, the tokusatsu live action series “Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon”, and more! All of our lyrics pages feature kanji, or Japanese character lyrics, romanizations, along with their English meaning.
We offer the largest database of Sailor Moon lyrics on the internet. Our database for the Sera Myu musicals lyrics is the most complete available online. All of our Sailor Moon lyrics pages are perfect for singing along to Sailor Moon music at home, and are an excellent resource for Sailor Moon karaoke parties!
Additionally, most of our pages feature information about the vocalist, composer, arranger, and lyricist for each song. This is a unique feature to Miss Dream, and our goal is to provide the most information about the music from Sailor Moon as possible. If you have any information regarding the production values of any song in this database which is not already listed, please feel free to leave a comment on this page to update us. We want to make this lyrics database as complete as possible.
This site is intended to be used in parallel with SailorMusic.net, the biggest resource online for Sailor Moon music downloads. If you have any music requests for songs you’d like to see us translate, please drop us a line and let us know which lyrics you’d like to see added to our site! We love all Sailor Moon songs and are always open to translating more Sailor Moon lyrics.
Many thanks to EternalRuth for sharing scans from her personal collection of Sailor Moon CD lyric pamphlets with us; it is thanks to her that we are able to have most of the PGSM section and Sera Myu section online!
Beautiful. Thank you to all those contributing! ♥ you’re all amazing and highly appreciated. :)
Is there any chance we could get the lyrics for Speed of Light from Amour Eternal…can’t find them anywhere at all!
You can find the lyrics you’re looking for at SeaofSerenity.net
Oi! So when r u planning to translate junpaku no megami ?
Well… It’s only a suggestion, but… Why don’t you add some lyrics from non-Japanese dubbings, too? It would be wonderful! I mean, if you already have too many things to do I understand, I shan’t insist… But, if you want, I think many people will be glad to help you with foreign lyrics translations… Me, too! ;) If you want…
hey i just noticed something you don’t have the first song that is sung at the beginning of last dracul jyokyoku. An Evil Dream.
I’ve been looking for the lyrics for “An Evil Dream” as well. Hope to see them soon.
Thank you so much for these translations! Also, nice description.
Will you be ttranslating and posting the lyrics of the new Sailor Moon Crystal vocal CD?
Yep. Check back in a few days :)
When are the remaining songs of Petite Étrangère added? Because I’ve been waiting for a while now :(
Hi Sailor Earth! At this time, we are only continuing to do translations by commission. Please consider hiring us if you’d like to see lyrics translations. Thanks!
Uhm, ok… But weren’t they already translated when you released the musical-vid? I’m not trying to disrespect you and the Miss Dream-team in any kind of way, though.
Will we be seeing a translation of “Wake up, Usagi!” soon?
I’d suggest including spoken dialogue as well( in quotes) as in a way it is also part of the songs.
.. At least in the musicals, I mean. I’d assumed the lyric booklets included them, but of course they may not.
They do not include the spoken words in the lyrics booklets.
If you’d like them included, I’d be happy to translate them as a paid commission.
Do u have a lyrics for “Ai no Starshine?” i really love that song in Sera Myu 2014 and 2015
Thank you so much
They don’t have it. But they would be happy to translate it and put it up here if you commission them.
Yeah, or you could just watch the subtitled musicals – they already translated the lyrics for the musicals, which is why the paid commission thing is confusing me.
Are you planning to translate the songs from ‘Sailor Moon SuperS in Paris’? I don’t think they’ve ever been translated to English, and I’ve been curious about them for years. :)
Yes, me too! I want to know what the French lyrics are!
Where I can find the song of Sera Myu LMF “Sky of Jewels”?
I’ve been looking for the lyrics for “Celestial born”.
Hope to see them soon. :)
Do you have the Sailor Moon Crystal Soundtrack from seasons 1-3? As in available for download? I would really much appreciate it thanks.
Yes, they can be found here: https://missdream.org/raw-sailor-moon-audio/japanese-audio/
What is the ending song for sailor moon r called?
Otome no Policy :)
Just out of curiosity, how much does it cost to hire you to translate a song?
Will “You’re My Universe” from the new musical be added soon? Thanks!