Sailor Moon Script Episode 123

This download is of the Japanese Sailor Moon script of episode 123: Shadows of Destruction! The Awakening of the Messiah of Silence (破滅の影! 沈黙のメシアの目覚め – Hametsu no Kage! Chinmoku no Meshia no Mezame) from the 1992 anime series. This Sailor Moon script comes from the Sailor Moon S season, and is arguably one of the most popular episodes of the 1992 anime series. It is quite a rare find and we’re excited to share it!

This item was graciously donated by eternalruth of, and was originally won from an auction on Yahoo!Japan. These scripts are hard to find and very expensive, so we are grateful for the opportunity to have one to share with everyone online. :)

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Miss Dream features downloads of many rare items, such as anime Sailor Moon scripts, Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon scripts, Nakayoshi magazine, and much more. Our collection of Sailor Moon scripts is small but growing; if you have one that you would be willing to scan for the website, please contact sassypants678 at sassypants678[at]missdream[dot] org and we’d be happy to share! You will be creditted in full for your kind donation. We are aiming to collect all of the scripts for the 200 episodes of the 1992 Sailor Moon animated series, as well as for the movies and specials. This is a difficult task, so we’ll need your help!

Alternately, any donations you can provide to help us fund collecting all of these original Sailor Moon scripts would be greatly appreciated. The scripts do appear on Japanese auction sites from time to time, and if we have the money available in our account, we always buy them. Please consider this option if you do not own any scripts or can scan some yourself to share with us. Every little bit counts, and we’d sure appreciate your help in this effort!

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