Toeihero Max Volume 8 March 2004 Issue

This download is Toeihero Max Volume 8 March 2004 Issue.

Toeihero is just that a magazine issued involving Toei’s live action heros. This type of live action is most commonly referred to as tokusatsu. Toei is a prime producer of tokusatsu, their biggest titles being Kamen Rider (or “the Masked Rider”) and Super Sentai (known in the North America as “Power Rangers”) which have new heroes as they are renewed each year. These Magazines Contain mainly articles featuring not only the Live action of Sailor Moon, but Kamen Rider 555 (Pronounced “Fiaz”), Tokusou Sentai Dekaranger as well as articles of the live action movie of Cutie Honey, all of which were running in the year 2004.

Click on the gallery links below to view the images in low definition, or download the massive archive of the HQ files here:

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