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This page is a translation of 5 jin no PUROJIN AMAJIN Hen: Exhibition of 5 Amateurs Turned Professional. It features an interview segment with Sailor Moon series creator Naoko Takeuchi – quite rare! Many thanks to Yosenex Orengo for translating this piece for Miss Dream!
1. From the Sailor Moon Memorial Book/ 272x388mm/ BB Kent Paper + color ink To celebrate the completion of Sailor Moon, with the assistance of other artists who love Sailor Moon, we created a collection of art. This image was the cover.
2. From the Sailor Moon Art Book / 396x272mm/ Kaisercraft paper + pencil, color ink, water-based ballpoint pen, texture gel, glass beads/ drawn for the art collection/ To be released on August 20th, please be sure to check it out. 3. From the Sailor Moon Art Book / 264x350mm/ BB Kent Paper + color ink, poster color, tone/ A piece from an art collection. His suit is a Paul Smith design. I always left out this image (laughs), I dedicate this piece to OsaBU. |
4. Published in the March of 1997 Nakayoshi/ 382x273mm/ BB Kent Paper + color ink and beads This piece is the one I will remember for the rest of my life.
5.Published in the March of 1997 title of Nakayoshi/ 373x550mm/ Canon Paper + water based ballpoint pen, airbrush, Instant Ex color ink, marker 6. Published in the January of 1997 title page of Nakayoshi magazine / 374x578mm/ Canon Paper + color ink, poster color/ Saito-kun of the Sailor Moon staff at Kodansha told me that he really loved this piece. Of all of the art I have done using 4 colors, this is my favorite. |
7. Sailor Moon Art Book / 383x266mm/ BB Kent Paper/ color ink, marker, air brush, pastel/ For me this is the most Michiru-esque piece.
8. Sailor Moon Art Book III/ 374x274mm/ BB Canon Paper + color ink, marker, color spray, airbrush/ I received many pieces of Haruka-sama fan art throughout the years. I drew this piece for those fans. 9. Sailor Moon Art Book III/ 410x317mm/ Cloud shape, Japanese Paper+ color ink, maker, poster color, color spray/ Setsua-sama is um… well an old lady huh? (laughs) 10.Sailor Moon Art Book III/ 376x274mm/ Canon Paper + color ink, marker, airbrush. / The Hotaru-chan Telephone card was released in time for the artist’s opening day event in 1996. Many passionate Hotaru fans called her “Hotarisuto.” I really love that word. (But I missed out on getting the phone card myself (cries)) |
Some of these pieces of art have yet to be published. A few pieces that were highlighted were from Sailor Moon Artbook V, which will be released on August 20th. A few images from books III and IV were included as well. I believe that you will enjoy these images.
Naoko Takeuchi |
there are some mistakes in your translation.
wrong→”(But I missed out on getting the phone card myself (cries))”
correct→”(But there is a bold misprint on the phone card(cries))”