5 Amateurs Turned Professional Interview Translation

Cover of 5 Amateurs Turned Professional featuring Sailor Moon 5 Amateurs Turned Professional Sailor Moon Naoko Takeuchi
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This page is a translation of 5 jin no PUROJIN AMAJIN Hen: Exhibition of 5 Amateurs Turned Professional. It features an interview segment with Sailor Moon series creator Naoko Takeuchi – quite rare! Many thanks to Yosenex Orengo for translating this piece for Miss Dream!

Amateurs Turned Professional Sailor Moon Naoko Takeuchi
According to the creator of Sailor Moon, Isetan is a place full of memories.
As the manga creator, it gives great joy to be able to invite you to this place of memories.
In all seriousness, because all the members who have participated in this publication before are big shots, I couldn’t believe that I could be included among them. I was quite nervous.

First I would like to say a few words about Takagawa-sensei, she has really helped me a lot, for me she is higher than God in terms of people that I look up to. To be able to have an event with her and her friends is a once in a lifetime opportunity. In any case I didn’t hesitate to attend.

For me this is huge moment in my life.
To be able see my art with everyone, and to be able see my colleagues who I love dearly, I am really enjoying this.

1. From the Sailor Moon Memorial Book/ 272x388mm/ BB Kent Paper + color ink To celebrate the completion of Sailor Moon, with the assistance of other artists who love Sailor Moon, we created a collection of art. This image was the cover.

2. From the Sailor Moon Art Book / 396x272mm/ Kaisercraft paper + pencil, color ink, water-based ballpoint pen, texture gel, glass beads/ drawn for the art collection/ To be released on August 20th, please be sure to check it out.

3. From the Sailor Moon Art Book / 264x350mm/ BB Kent Paper + color ink, poster color, tone/ A piece from an art collection. His suit is a Paul Smith design. I always left out this image (laughs), I dedicate this piece to OsaBU.

Amateurs Turned Professional Sailor Moon Naoko Takeuchi
Amateurs Turned Professional Sailor Moon Naoko Takeuchi
4. Published in the March of 1997 Nakayoshi/ 382x273mm/ BB Kent Paper + color ink and beads This piece is the one I will remember for the rest of my life.

5.Published in the March of 1997 title of Nakayoshi/ 373x550mm/ Canon Paper + water based ballpoint pen, airbrush, Instant Ex color ink, marker

6. Published in the January of 1997 title page of Nakayoshi magazine / 374x578mm/ Canon Paper + color ink, poster color/ Saito-kun of the Sailor Moon staff at Kodansha told me that he really loved this piece. Of all of the art I have done using 4 colors, this is my favorite.

7. Sailor Moon Art Book / 383x266mm/ BB Kent Paper/ color ink, marker, air brush, pastel/ For me this is the most Michiru-esque piece.

8. Sailor Moon Art Book III/ 374x274mm/ BB Canon Paper + color ink, marker, color spray, airbrush/ I received many pieces of Haruka-sama fan art throughout the years. I drew this piece for those fans.

9. Sailor Moon Art Book III/ 410x317mm/ Cloud shape, Japanese Paper+ color ink, maker, poster color, color spray/ Setsua-sama is um… well an old lady huh? (laughs)

10.Sailor Moon Art Book III/ 376x274mm/ Canon Paper + color ink, marker, airbrush. / The Hotaru-chan Telephone card was released in time for the artist’s opening day event in 1996. Many passionate Hotaru fans called her “Hotarisuto.” I really love that word. (But I missed out on getting the phone card myself (cries))

Amateurs Turned Professional Sailor Moon Naoko Takeuchi
Amateurs Turned Professional Sailor Moon Naoko Takeuchi
Some of these pieces of art have yet to be published. A few pieces that were highlighted were from Sailor Moon Artbook V, which will be released on August 20th. A few images from books III and IV were included as well. I believe that you will enjoy these images.

Naoko Takeuchi

One Response to “5 Amateurs Turned Professional Interview Translation”

  1. japanese girl

    there are some mistakes in your translation.
    wrong→”(But I missed out on getting the phone card myself (cries))”
    correct→”(But there is a bold misprint on the phone card(cries))”


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