Updated translation by Sasha.
–kokoro refers to the heart in a spiritual sense, mune refers to the heart as a body part.
–tsubute literally means “thrown stone”; taking a small liberty here to translate this line as a reference to Tuxedo Mask throwing roses.
Translated Title: Secret of the Rose
Series: Dark Kingdom Fukkatsu Hen, Sera Myu
(Tuxedo Mask) まっかなバラは 熱い心のつぶて
きみの胸に届けよ ミラクルテレパシー
(Usagi) ああ、 ステキなおすがた!
(Tuxedo Mask) バラの香りは 遠い記憶の秘密
想い出させてあげる あの日のデスティニー
(Usagi) ああ、なにかしら 知ってるわ この香り
なぜなの きっと こどかで。。。
(Tuxedo Mask) 乱れ飛ぶ 花びらで
しばってしまおう 悪の魔力
(Youma) あ、なに、これ し・び・れ・るぅ
かたくなな 醜さを
変えてしまおう 美しさに
(Tuxedo Mask) うっとりー うっとりー
まっかな バラのつぶてあびたらだれも
甘い毒に酔わされ ロミオとジュリエット
(Youma) し・び・れ・る し・び・れ・る
(Tuxedo Mask) 恋の香りが 誘い導くままに
身も心もあずけて 踊れ 踊れ
みんな踊れ バラになって 踊れ 踊れ!
(Tuxedo Mask) Makka na bara wa atsui kokoro no tsubute
Kimi no mune ni todoke yo MIRAKURU TEREPASHI-
(Usagi) Aa, SUTEKI na osugata!
(Tuxedo Mask) Bara no kaori wa tooi kioku no himitsu
Omoidesaseteageru ano hi no DESUTINI-
(Usagi) Aa, nani kashira shitteru wa kono kaori naze na no kitto dokoka de…
(Tuxedo Mask) Miraretobi hanabira de
Shibatteshimau aku no maryoku
(Youma) A, nani, kore, shi bi re ru
(Tuxedo Mask) Katakuna na minikusa wo
Kaeteshimaou utsukushisa ni
(Youma) Uttori – uttori –
Makka na bara no tsubute abitara daremo
Amai doku ni yowasare ROMIO to JURIETTO
(Youma) Shi bi re ru shi bi re ru
Koi no kaori ga sasoimichibiku mama ni
Mi mo kokoro mo azukete odore odore
Minna odore bara ni natte
Odore odore!
(Tuxedo Mask) A red, red rose is the thrown stone of a passionate heart
It will reach your heart, Miracle Telepathy
(Usagi) Ah, what a dreamy figure!
(Tuxedo Mask) The rose’s scent will make you recall the secrets of the far-off past, that day’s destiny
(Usagi) Ah, what could this be, I know this scent
Why? Surely, somewhere…
(Tuxedo Mask) The evil magic is bound in the wildly flying petals
(Youma) Ah, what is this? We’re bound!
(Tuxedo Mask) Turn this stubborn ugliness
Into beauty
(Youma) Spellbound, spellbound…
(Tuxedo Mask) When showered by the thrown red roses
Anyone will be drunk on the sweet poison, Romeo and Juliet
(Youma) Bound, bound…
(Tuxedo Mask) Give your body and heart to the scent of love as it leads you to temptation; dance, dance
Everyone dance, become a rose; dance, dance!