Welcome back! After a month’s hiatus, we are back on a new CMS platform and ready for action!
First, you’ll notice the fabulous new layout. Sincere thanks and tons of gratitude to simplySailor Moon for doing the manga coloring used in the sidebar graphics; the lovely lady spent lots of time on the project and I think it came out fantastic.
And now, without further adieu, here are this week’s new additions:
- Border Between Silence and Death
- JOINT PROJECT – Delicate Planet
- JOINT PROJECT – Cockpit Shorts Pack 3
Both joint projects were done in collaboration with Rebecca of Isshou-ni.net– a wonderful new Sailor Moon site with lots of awesome, unique features and a wonderful webmistress. I definitely recommend giving this place a visit! We are looking forward to working with Rebecca again in the future.
Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon
- Act 12 – direct download | torrent
Please enjoy our latest PGSM episode release, as well as a full download of DJ Moon 2. We worked in collaboration with Sailor Moon German on the DJ Moon 2 album, which features translations of each track as well as a full translation of the sketch dialogues. Very cute and funny stuff – if you haven’t listened to the whole CD with a translation before, you are in for a treat!
As we move forward with Miss Dream, we have decided to implement a couple of changes to how we’ve run things in the past.
- The forum will become read-only, and will be used primarily for staff communication.
(If you are looking for a new Sailor Moon forum to join, please consider two sites I am active at; The Galaxy Cauldron Forums and Sailor Moon Forum) - The lyrics section is getting a complete re-haul, and will be offline until we have re-configured the database structure and format.
- Translation requests are open. Please e-mail [email protected] with your project ideas!
Monday Night Raws Announcement
Over the past month I’ve gotten LOTS of messages asking what our new Monday Nights Raw project will be. Drum roll, please!
…I have decided to be completely insane, and tear apart my 20-year-old first-print editions of the original Japanese tankouban run of the Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon and Codename: Sailor V manga series. The 21 books will be scanned in at 600 DPI; the highest quality I have offered yet, alongside obis, inserts, advertisements, posters, and other goodies. We will be releasing three volumes per week, so we’ve got 7 weeks of awesomeness to enjoy.
But in case you are bored about yet *another* edition of the Sailor Moon and Codename: Sailor V manga series going on the site, here’s a nice little twist: we are holding a contest!
The first person who can locate and identify an Easter Egg placed within one of the Monday Night raw downloads will win a complete set of the Sailor Moon CCG:

So check back next week for the kick-off of the Monday Night Raws project and contest!
See you this Thursday for more PGSM – we are back in action, baby! ;)