In light of today’s tragedy, it was really hard for the staff at Miss Dream to carry on with the show and finish the following translation. But, it’s now finally done.
Please feel free to spread the word via Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr – share the Moonie love!
For any other fansubbing groups out there looking to release this in another language, you are more than welcome to use our (right click and “save as”) .ass file; just credit us please. :)
Downloaders: If you would like to view this video in a format different than the one we have provided, I recommend the program Handbrake. It’s midnight EST as I’m writing this and I’ve gotta be up for work early tomorrow morning, so I don’t have the time to do a bunch of file conversions tonight.
We at Miss Dream are looking forward to releasing fansubs of next year’s upcoming anime release – we hope all of you new visitors will stick around as we finish off our PGSM project, share raws of neat Sailor Moon media, and release the complete other works by Naoko Takeuchi (creator of Sailor Moon). It’s been a blast getting to meet and know so many new Moonies!
With a heavy heart, I’m signing off for tonight. It’s a mixed feeling; so much sorrow over Lia’s death, and so much joy with the new anime announcement, and the completion of this fansub project which literally ate up the whole weekend.
As always, leave your comments below to discuss our latest release – I look forward to chatting up with you guys about the details of the show!
EDIT: Youtube has blocked our fansub, please download via one of the links above! :)