Happy Toku Thursday! Ready for your viewing pleasure is Act 26 of Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon.
Motoki has some great expressions in this episode too, oh God…
My dear friend Becca of Isshou-ni.net was kind enough to make some link buttons for Miss Dream per my request, aren’t they lovely?
If you’re feeling generous, our graphical designer Yen-sama has had another unfortunate run-in. TL;DR – her puppy Toby has contracted Parvo and could die. If you would like to contribute to Yen-sama’s fundraiser to off-set the costs of Toby’s vet bill, you can do so here: donate. You can also read Toby’s story here or consider purchasing one of Yen-sama’s fundraiser items here. Sadly, Toby passed away July 5th, 2012. Jen, I am so sorry for your loss. D:
Reminder: Tomorrow I will be doing a live-blog of the 20th Anniversary NicoNico Talk Show event via Twitter. I am aiming to have a fansubbed version of the event available on Miss Dream before I leave for work in the morning, but no promises there. I will DEFINITELY have a translated copy available for download before the end of tomorrow – guaranteed.
Enjoy PGSM Act 26, and check back tomorrow morning at 6:00 AM EST for the beginning of our live blog coverage of the 20th anniversary talk show event! See you then.
You might want to check your RAR; the DD didn’t work.
Donated 5$. Feel better, Toby~ (╯︵╰,)
PLEASE Post on you tube,I am so waiting for this…PLEASE!!!
Thanks so much!!!
The Direct Download isn’t working properly for me either, I can’t extract the video.
This happened with act 25 too, is something going on with your server?
There were issues with connectivity (outside of HTTP which never appeared to have a problem) for file transfers that were fixed up about 10 hours ago. Any file that’s been reported to have issues will be re-uploaded in the very near future so there won’t be issues once this has been completed. Any files going forward will not have these things happen now that the connectivity issues have finally been identified and fixed. I’m out of the area so I can’t do the re-uploads myself, and sassypants678 and James have been busy keeping up with all the news from the day. I would anticipate these being taken care of over the weekend.
No worries.
As much as I love PGSM, I completely understand it taking a back seat to this amazing news for a little while. It’s just always a bit frustrating to download something that doesn’t work.
Agreed, it’s frustrating indeed. I’m happy that the issues causing these problems has been fixed so they won’t repeat themselves. On that note, while this will also be mentioned in the upcoming update alongside the sub of the event this past Friday (it WILL be up tonight), Act 26 has been uploaded and tested to work! Enjoy! ^_^
Now it works! Again, thank you so much!