Happy Miss Dream Monday everyone! Today is the day you have all been waiting for, the v2s of Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon are finally online! Head on over to the PGSM portal to get the bulk download torrent, and all of the direct download links have been updated as well. Enjoy y’all’s massive downloading spree!
This week, I am starting the Nakayoshi rush! As of this typing, we have over 60 issues prepared! (A good chunk of these are for sale, buy them!!) We have more on the way next month (clear out my house!!), and the 2 – 3 each week just isn’t going to cut it, or all of these will take forever. Starting this week, every update will have at least 5 issues posted online. About three and a half months seems a lot better than over a year to get up just what we have ready, not even counting the ones on the way. This week, we’re going 80s! All issues today are from the late 1980s! While none of these have any work from Naoko Takeuchi, there are a lot of classic shoujo titles that you will not find anywhere else!
* January 1986
* September 1986
* February 1988
* April 1988
* October 1988
That’s going to finish this week! Please buy our old magazines to create space in our house for the new ones! These are cheaper that what you would find them for elsewhere, and can be bound back together with just a little effort. Next week, the rush continues! We’re also working on getting another interesting thing posted that I’m aiming for next week as well. See you then, and enjoy today’s downloads! =D
OH MY GOSH totally oldshool.
I’ve always wanted to look at the Nakayoshi magazines from the 80’s! XD Heck, I’d like to see all the ones from when the magazine first started! XD (That would probably be impossible though… ^^;;; ) Thank you so much you guys for uploading these! :D And for the bulk download of PGSM! (Downloading each episode by itself is so painstaking… ^^; )
Thank you!! The v2 version of PGSM is perfect, and already a bulk torrent with all the episode? Amazing.
You guys at Miss Dream work so hard. Good job! Just want to let you know how much you guys are appreciated.
Lisa: Thank you so much! Hearing this from you means a lot to me. Three-Lights.net has always been a huge inspiration to me! :D
Aww sassypants678! Thank you for always being so kind. You guys really do a lot for this community. I don’t always feel that people understand how hard it is to maintain a site like your’s. Especially now that you’re a adult, with a family, job, and very little free time. I don’t feel that people tell you guys “Thank you” enough. That’s a lot of money you guys threw into helping this fandom. So THANK YOU. VERY VERY MUCH so.
We appreciate the appreciation! Thank you! ^_^
*hug* You guys are pretty darn awesome you know! =)