Happy Thursday Miss Dreamers! Tonight has turned out to be a special night in regards to the Sailor Moon 2014 anime! First, Sailor Moon Official posted an 8 day countdown. Then, information started to leak out with a title and logo, Sailor Moon Crystal! Moments ago, a full-sized image was uncovered. And now, we have a translation of the Sailor Moon Crystal image available!

It seems like things are finally moving forward with Sailor Moon 2014! Or should I say, Sailor Moon Crystal! =D
For those of you who would like to use the new Sailor Moon Crystal image on your mobile devices, staff member Pixeluna has made a pre-sized for mobile image that just looks lovely on our phones. =)
Not only captured the hearts of women :(
I’m a little boy and I love Sailor Moon :D
I almost cried when I saw this. Literally. I’ve been waiting months for any new info and then this pops up! It’s like a dream come true!
YES! I am so looking forward to this. I hope this is the art style used for the anime, it looks very nice and clean. The style and design also sticks with the manga, i love it! Sailor Moon Crystal, cannot wait! I hate to ask, but will you guys be uploading the episodes? maybe with your own translations or a clean up of the ones nico nico douga have (usually these have barely understandable/non sensible translations)
I’m soo excited for this series, I wish there was more information out on it. The synposis makes it sound like it’s going to be a remake of the first season of Sailor Moon, so maybe they’re doing what Full Metal Alchemist did with Brotherhood?
Yeah, kinda the same.
BTW people, how the heck did it leak? Did someone just tried putting “anime.png” into the address bar?
Let’s hope they make an almost perfect remake as FMA:B was.
At least, follow the manga exactly, avoid fillers and go on with a fast pace, no more DBZ-ish looking at each other for 5 minutes, please!!!
Make a good anime adaptation of Sailor Moon.
This sounds awesome. Just added the update on my site the other day as well. I hope this shows almost 200 episodes like maybe Sailor Stars? Dunno? But hope this is awesome!
Oh man, I love sailor moon and wishes to watch these new episodes immediately, I hope the arts, the voice would better. I miss minako, oh man! Can’t wait.