More Young You, TeNQ Postcards, and More!

Hello Dreamers!

Welcome to 2018, Dreamers! May this year be filled with all kinds of new and exciting news! This year as have the Universal Japan Sailor Moon experience, more of the TeNQ Exhibit, as well as the Japan-Paris event to come! Maybe even some details about Crystal Season 4, the movies? Let’s hope!

This week we have 2 more Young You issues for you plus postcards from the TeNQ Exhibit to enjoy! Also Anime Matsuri is being ODDLY suspicious…


This week’s Downloads

Young You January 2002
Young You January 2002
Young You March 2002
Young You March 2002
TeNQ Exhibit Postcards
TeNQ Exhibit Postcards


Huge thanks to Tuxedo Unmasked for donating the TeNQ postcard scans!

With 2018 being a new year, Anime Matsuri has offered us a teaser. Seems like some BIG news there again this year! If you aren’t aware, in April 2017 Anime Matsuri hosted an event with a partial cast of Amour Eternal with a unique story where Sailor Moon had to save Houston with the help of the girls. If you want to see it, you can check out the performance here! Not only that, but April 7th is actually an officially declared holiday in Houston, Texas known as Sailor Moon Day! You can see the tease we got below. Be sure to follow closely as we wait for more information to come.

And finally, to celebrate the New Year CDJapan is having a huge sale! Included is a promotion for 15% off ANIMEX series, which runs until March 29. Check out all the Sailor Moon soundtracks you can get!


Are you excited for a new year with a lot of new news, merchandise, exhibits, and more? Will you be going to anything unique in Japan? 2018 seems like another crazy year for us Sailor Moon Fans!

Let the professional translators at Fandom Services translate your, or your honey’s favorite doujinshi or your best bud’s super rare special episode! Check out Fandom Services on Facebook!

See you all next time!

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