Classical Concert Album and Color Pages

Hello Dreamers!

Sailor Busters back here again providing you some great content this week! I hope you all are enjoying the information about where Miss Dream came from, our new logo, as well as our brand new Moonie of the Month feature! We’ve steadily been planning these out for a while and it’s great to see them in place!

This week we a few really cool surprises! We have the Classical Concert Album and a couple of  Coloring Pages from the TeNQ event to share as well! Let’s get right into it!


This week’s Downloads

TeNQ Coloring Pages
TeNQ Coloring Pages


MP3(320kbps) | Scans


Huge thanks to Kaikinapela for donating the TeNQ coloring page scans!

Don’t forget that you can quite possibly catch the last Sailor Moon Musical, Le Mouvement Final, in a theater near you! Check out the website to see what cities are available to you for a viewing location where you are able to preorder your tickets ahead of time. It’s a limited event with only a few showings at each theater.

And finally, to celebrate the New Year CDJapan is having a huge sale! Included is a promotion for 15% off ANIMEX series, which runs until March 29. Check out all the Sailor Moon soundtracks you can get!


I hope you enjoy the Classical Concert Album! I know I have been a lot. Very soothing and relaxing. And don’t forget to go see Le Mouvement Final in theaters, the first time a Sailor Moon Musical has ever been shown in American (Anime Matsuri performance being minor). I know I’ve got my tickets already ordered and my trip planned out.

Let the professional translators at Fandom Services translate your, or your honey’s favorite doujinshi or your best bud’s super rare special episode! Check out Fandom Services on Facebook!

Don’t forget that our garage sale is still ongoing, with recent additions of our DVDs and Blu-Rays, as well as buy one get two free on all doujinshi and magazines!

Lastly, don’t forget that we use a Patreon to help us fund running the servers for the site!

Our monthly hosting and cloudflare bill is $315! On top of that, gathering up Sailor Moon publications and other merch to digitize for the site can quickly get pricey. Enter Patreon – a monthly tipping and rewards site that allows you to support your favorite content creators and get perks as a thank you. Miss Dream’s content will always be free to access, but we are incredibly grateful for any support our visitors can provide to help ease the hosting bill and make it easier for us to keep acquiring materials to share. Even just $1 helps a ton!

Check out our Patreon page to learn more about the rewards we’re offering and how to make a pledge!

See you all next time!

4 Responses to “Classical Concert Album and Color Pages”

  1. Danila

    Is there some issues with the Scan and Mp3 files? The message says it’s impossibile to unzip either of them :/
    Sorry to bother, good job as always <3

    • MarioKnight

      There isn’t any issue with these files. I just verified using 7Zip to extract them, I’d recommend using that program if you aren’t already (it’s free!). Redownloading might also help.


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