Ooboonuu and Chiiboonuu by Naoko Takeuchi and Yoshihiro Togashi, translated as “Big Boonuu and Little Boonuu”, is a children’s story. It is the only full-color work that Naoko Takeuchi, creator of Sailor Moon, and her husband Yoshihiro Togashi, creator of Hunter x Hunter and Yu Yu Hakusho, have ever created.
This book was written for the couple’s children, and eventually they decided to publish it for everyone to enjoy.
Many thanks to Zephyrprince for the raw, and to Tommy for graphical design!
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Ooboonuu and Chiiboonuu is the story of two Boonuus, magical creatures that live in a forest. It is a story about their every-day life, avoiding Black Boonuus who like to cause mischief and trouble. The Boonuus appear to be in a parent/child relationship, but it is never made clear. The Black Boonuus become good by the end of the story. This is a very simple story that is written with minimal use of Japanese characters called kanji, and is intended for a kindergarten – 2nd grade reading level.
Ooboonuu and Chiiboonuu by Naoko Takeuchi and Yoshihiro Togashi was once for sale in all major retailers, such as Kinokuniya and Book Off, but it has since gone out of print. Because of this, Ooboonuu and Chiiboonuu by Naoko Takeuchi and Yoshihiro Togashi is very difficult to find for sale, and as a result it is almost impossible to find a copy online. Since this work is now so rare, we at Miss Dream decided to translate Ooboonuu and Chiiboonuu by Naoko Takeuchi and Yoshihiro Togashi into English.
Miss Dream now hosts the only scanlation of Ooboonuu and Chiiboonuu by Naoko Takeuchi and Yoshihiro Togashi available on the internet. We hope you’ll enjoy this adorable children’s story by the authors of incredibly popular smash hit manga and anime series! Read Ooboonuu and Chiiboonuu by Naoko Takeuchi and Yoshihiro Togashi online for free or download.
Thank you very much! I’m happy to finally be able to find their collaboration work!
Thank you Ms. Dream. My daughter will enjoy this.